So to some up, Jacob, a politician lied.
It's what he lies about that matters. Essentially, what you're doing is making up excuses for the man.
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
So to some up, Jacob, a politician lied.
It's what he lies about that matters. Essentially, what you're doing is making up excuses for the man.
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
What would have been the reason to not elect Hitler in Germany? The Germans should have known by his character who and what he was but they too had 'concerns' about the way things were in their nation. Hitler got only 44% of the votes but they were people who were highly motivated by his hate mongery.
As far as the "ordinary voters" and their concerns you are dealing with people who have been brainwashed by Fox News and other hate mongers into having those concerns. Those "ordinary voters" do not represent 'ordinary' Americans. They make up about 1/3 of all Republicans (based on the voting percentages that Trump has been getting).
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
LUHE, why do you even link to the Telegraph? It might as well be the National Enquirer.
As far as innocent until proven guilty he's proven himself guilty with his statements and behavior:
It fits the profile.
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
LUHE, you misunderstand the point that I make. It's not about Trump being able to do anything about Russians that are killed by Putin it's about his flippant response on the matter. The response suggests that he disregards their lives and probably shares Putin's values.
as you may know, this makes me very happy.
ban on religious circumcision.
relate to a ban in all probability will not stop the millennium old core tradition in many parts of islam and especially judaism.
Gilbeath Haaraloth:
My next topic is about banning Halal the barbaric and cruel mistreatment of animals. I would post a video about what Halal is but it is far too graphic.
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
what he did was to brush off the question in a manner that showed that he didn't really care about what Putin may have done - but Trump is running to be president of the US, not Russia. If Trump doesn't care about Russian journalists, so what?
What does it matter whether the journalists are Russian or not? And why does he flippantly respond by saying that Americans also kill people in that very context? The moral issue that I brought up is about his nonchalant tolerance for such things when he said, in direct response to the point of Putin's murderousness, " least he's a leader..." and "...our country does a lot of killing...".
Just perform this thought experiment; Imagine if Obama were to say the same thing Trump said then imagine the fury that it would cause and how you would react.
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
Trump didn't praise Putin for the shooting of Russian journalists, which was no doubt what the interviewer was hoping for.
Trump didn't have to praise Putin for shooting journalists; what he did was to brush off the question in a manner that showed that he didn't really care about what Putin may have done. He also dropped the line about how America kills people as if that were to rationalize Putin's actions.
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
...vague nonsense that's stretching credibility.
LUHE, I gave a specific example of that man's psyche. Watch the video I linked to. It has nothing to do with dodging questions.
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
...saying Trump's like Hitler because of Trump's ban all Muslims policy still strikes me as a bit silly.
Trump is comparable to Hitler because of his general character not because of one thing in particular that he may say.
For example, when praising Putin it was brought up that he may have killed journalists who were critical of him. Trump responded by saying, "He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader, unlike what we have on this country. I think our country does plenty of killing also, Joe, so you know."
Get a hint.
hubby is on my team.
i know i'm going to be way happier.
i might even meet up with the apostafest in colorado with you guys.